
Food Vendors In Mubi Calls Gov’t To Return Fuel Subsidy

By Peace Francis Danck

In the main time, the skyrocketing of food items is becoming a major concern to food vendors in Mubi, where by they appealed to the government to bring back subsidy which according to them will ease the situation at hand.

They made the appeal while interacting with NasfmNews reporter on how their market is being crippled as a result of high increase in the prices of food items.


Human beings and even animals need food in order to sustain their living on earth, but the present situation of the country now make some people to find it difficult to even have their one square meal a day.

Mrs Talatu Ahmed Birma a food vendor in Mubi, who decried bitterly over how the skyrocketing of food items make her lose most of her customers as the no longer have the strength to buy the food at the rate of how their selling now.

She said before now she sells a plate of food at five hundred naira but now is one thousand naira as rice, beans and all ingredients she’s using to prepare the food is high in the market.

She said as a result of the low patronage, she has stopped making some dishes, like pepper soup.

She added that some times when she cooked she ended up dashing it to people, as customers are not coming to buy and she will end up at lost.

On his part honorable Hikima a customer, who said he’s no longer eating food and taking soft drinks neither will he afford to buy for other people like before as the price is unspeakable now, also called on the government to do something in order to ease the situation.

Nigeria is going through a difficult situation, hence the need for government urgent intervention.


About the author

Zakariyya Aliyu Gwaram

Official Website of NAS FM Yola 89.9.

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