
Hon Kallamu Made Promises To Mayo-Belwa At Townhall Meeting

By Dominic Yohanna

The Member representing Mayo-Belwa Constituency in the Adamawa State House of Assembly, Alhaji Musa Mahmud Kallamu has promised succour to the people of his constituency.

Alhaji Musa Mahmud Kallamu made the promise during a Maiden Edition of a town Hall Meeting Organized at his constituency, in Mayo-Belwa local government area.

The theme for the townhall meeting was Bridging the Gap between Govern and Government, consolidating on Previous Achievements.

The lawmaker was proud to have enacted a law for tests before marriage and financial status of the State in the previous assembly, he served, Appeal to People of Mayo-Belwa Constituency for Unity for progress.

The Senator representing the Southern zone of Adamawa State, Senator Binos Dauda Yaroe described the townahll meeting as a Signed of good representation to the constituents, noting that such programmes had touched lives of many electorates.

The Senator advised the constituents that the lawmakers are always people representatives, hence the need for submission and advised

In their separate Goodwill messages, the District Head of Mayo-Belwa Alhaji Muhammadu Bamanga Delil, a party stakeholder, Adiel Kurda and the local Council Chairman described the member as Good representative to the people of the Area.

Earlier in his address of welcome, the chairman of Peoples Democratic Party in Mayo-Belwa Hamman’ Joda Bashir, represented by Samaila Enock thanked Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri for standing behind the lawmaker and to continue their alloy support to the present administration in Adamawa State.

About the author

Zakariyya Aliyu Gwaram

Official Website of NAS FM Yola 89.9.

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