
“Exclusive Breastfeeding Panacea To Infants Malnutrition”- Nutritionist

Published by Abdulaziz Ibrahim

By Nafisat Hassan Belel

The Assistant Nutritionist at the Lokuwa Primary Healthcare Center in Mubi North LGA of Adamawa State, Mrs Clara Teriz, has called for exclusive breastfeeding from 0-6 months to prevent the infants from Malnutrition.

Mrs Teris, made the call while speaking to NAS FM NEWS, on the effects of malnutrition on the infants

The Assistant Nutritionist, says the infants can easily be affected with malnutrition due to negligence from their mothers, and therefore advised that cleaning of their hands from time to time and washing the infant’s face helps in preventing them from being contacted with diseases.

Also speaking, Malama Sadiqa Muhammad Umar Belel, added that lack of essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, mineral,water, protein causes of malnutrition to the infants.

On her part, the incharge of Lokuwa primary health care center, Malama Maryam Baba Yadafa, also called on the households to try and provide essential nutrients food for the wellbeing of both the mothers and the infants.

She also says lack of personal hygiene especially during the rainy season also causes different forms of diseases to the infact.


About the author

Abdulaziz Ibrahim

Official Website of NAS FM Yola 89.9.

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