Local News

MAUTH celebrates Anticorruption Day

By Mohammed Saidu

Corruption has been identified as major set back in every societal development.

The state resident commissioner of independent corrupt practices and other related offences commission ICPC, Barr. James George Lawan made the assertion while speaking at an event to mark this year’s world anticorruption day.

The event organised by the anticorruption and transparency unit of Modibbo Adama Teaching hospital in collaboration with the independent corrupt practices and other related offences commission ICPC brought together various stake holders to remind them of negative effects corruption in society.

In a keynote address, the state resident commissioner, independent corrupt practices and other related offences commission ICPC, Barr. James George Lawan advocated for behavioral change as it is the only way to fight corruption to a stand still.

He said prosecution or any other punishment can yield any positive result.

Enumerating some possible reason for corruption Barr. James said poor remuneration to workers is one, calling on employers to ensure adequate and prompt payment of salaries.

The resident commissioner also advised Nigerians to always continue to assist the commission in exposing corrupt persons among them because the anticorruption agency can not be very where.

In his remarks the chief medical director of the hospital, Dr. Usman Bab Ahmadu represented by the deputy chairman medical advisory committee, clinicals, Dr. Maisaratu Bakari said the hospital is making every necessary effort to ensure transparency and accountability in all transactions it carry out.

The chief medical director who described corruption as cock in the wheel of fortune warned staff of the hospital to honest and corrupt free in the interest of the society and the progress of the hospital.

Also speaking the desk officer anticorruption commission, Modibbo Adama Teaching hospital, Umar Abubakar described corruption as basically an abuse of office for personal gains.

He said if Nigeria should work every corrupt practices must be exposed.

In his words, the head of administration of the hospital, Sanusi Rufa’i who commended ICPC for the lecture said for Nigeria to survive corruption must be eliminated.

He urged participants to make use of what they have heard at their places of work for the benefit of humanity.


About the author

Zakariyya Aliyu Gwaram

Official Website of NAS FM Yola 89.9.

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