Local News

Residents Of Mubi Laments Hike in Price Of Egg

By Peace Francis Danck

The hike in price of egg among other commodities in Mubi Main Market, has become a Major challenge to the consumers of eggs, as some of them can no longer afford it as a result of the hike in the price of the commodity.

NAS FM NEWS REPORTER Peace Francis Danck, who went round the market reported that many egg consumers have stopped consuming it.

Egg is very important in the human body as it makes the body healthy and stronger, but the hike in price of eggs has made some consumers stop using or buying less than  the quantity they  usually purchased.

Mallam Suleiman Ahmadu, an egg seller , who said before now he used to purchase eggs at the rate of two thousand five hundred naira, but it has now skyrocketed to three thousand five hundred.

He said that it has really affected their businesses, as some customers are no longer coming to buy and some who are managing to buy are buying less than what they usually buy when the price is less.

On his part, Mallam Mohammed Buhari, a consumer who complained bitterly over the hike, also said before now he used to buy a crate of eggs for children but now he hardly buys two pieces.

He therefore, called on the government to put a price control on the commodities in the market to enable a common man to survive

Similarly, Mallama Fatima Idris, also a buyer said she used to buy 8 pieces at 650 but now it is 950, she said the situation is too difficult for them now.

The prices of commodities in the market are skyrocketing on a daily basis, hence the need for government’s intervention for the common man to have an easy living.

About the author

Zakariyya Aliyu Gwaram

Official Website of NAS FM Yola 89.9.

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