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Former Head Of Guidance and Counseling Unit ADSU Advices Parents on Children Choice Of Career

By Sumayya Muhammad Dzarma

The former head of Guidance and counseling Unit Adsu Demonstration Secondary School, Mubi, Mr Joel Samuel, has advised Parents to allow their children and wards to follow their passion and pursue their dreams, in order to build successful people who are ready to give their best in what they do.

Mr Samuel gave the advice in an exclusive interview with NAS FM NEWS REPORTER Sumayya Muhammad Dzarma.

People who are successful in their career are usually driven by passion, talents and dedication, but in some cases during early stage, external influence and pressure from parents and peer groups hinder them from attaining their full potentials.

In the light of these, Mr Joel Samuel said the Guidance and Counseling unit in schools serves as an intermediary between the parents, students and the capabilities of these students in determining their career.

He added that out of love many parents try to stand their ground on what their wards must become not considering where their passion is and what their strong subjects are.

He added that in cases where these children are not interested in formal education, parents must sit and sign a memorandum of understanding with their wards.

He said to avoid stories that touch the heart, parents must avoid forcing their wards to follow a path of discipline they don’t want and continue guiding them as they discover their own world.

He also called on the government to revisit secondary schools curriculum and include ways to teach students entrepreneurship skills so that every student has something done after high school.


About the author

Zakariyya Aliyu Gwaram

Official Website of NAS FM Yola 89.9.

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