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 A philantrophist calls for collective improvement in tackling youths challenges in Adamawa.

A philantrophist in Yola, Mr Pitapwa F. Vokito has challenge the state Government, stakeholders and Non-governmental orgarnizations to mould out strategies that can guarantee sustaible youth development.

According to the state man the cardinals owe the youths across nook and crannies of the grassroot platforms to set careers,programs to harnest their potentials for the benefits of the state.

Mr. Vokito reckoned that youths in Adamawa have proven potentials in terms of sport, a sector which according to him retained abundants untapped socio-economic benefits.

The philantrophist opined that unless muscles are stretched moral, societal and security challenges will continue to erode the youths.

Therefore, as a matter of public urgency the government, stakeholders and non-governmental organization should honestly increased effort and work in synergy to ensure tomorrow arrive with leaders capable of building better society.

About the author

Zakariyya Aliyu Gwaram

Official Website of NAS FM Yola 89.9.

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