Local News

Residents Of Sabon Gari Mubi in Dire Need Of Government Assistant


By Yerima Abdulaziz Hameed

Residents of Sabon Gari in Mubi North Local Government Area of Adamawa state have appealed to the State Government to come to their aid, by providing roads, drainages, and health facilities among other developmental projects to cushion their hardship.

The Residents of the Area stated this in an interview with NASFM News

Sabon Gari is a community in Mubi North Local Government area with over 3,000 residents, amongst its numerous challenges include poor access to portable water, and health care facilities, as well as inaccessible roads that are a nightmare to motorists, especially during rainy season.

According to the residents of the area, at times politicians pledged severally to provide them with social amenities when they voted them in a particular office, though they have yet to fulfill the campaign promises.

A resident of the area, who identified himself as Alhaji Muhammad, explained that they are facing a lot of daunting challenges, at all times due to the lack of social amenities.

Sabon Gari Residents hope that the Government and other critical Stakeholders will provide the area with all needed infrastructure to benefit from the dividend of democracy.

All efforts to reach the Member representing Mubi South Constituency in the Adamawa State House of Assembly, Hon. Paul Samuel Vintim, for his comment proved abortive.

About the author

Zakariyya Aliyu Gwaram

Official Website of NAS FM Yola 89.9.

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