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Mercy Initiative in Collaboration with USAID oreganized CUltural Parley to People of Wauru-Jabbe in Yola-North Local Government Area of Adamawa State.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in Collaboration with the Mercy Initiative for Rural Development has organized a cultural display for the people of Wauru-Jabbe in Yola-North Local Government Area of Adamawa State.

The Executive Director Mercy Initiative for Rural Development Mrs. Regina Nache, said organizing the event at this time became imperative considering the security situation of the country.

It was a gathering showcasing different traditions of the residents of Wauru-Jabbe in Yola-North Local Government Area where people from far and near converged in Wauru -Jabbe, Primary School venue of the event to catch a glimpse.

Over sixteen different languages of Adamawa,Gombe and Taraba displayed their cultural dance and food to the participants as Ndi-Igbo from southeastern of Nigeria are not left behind.

The Executive Director of Mercy Initiative for Rural Development Mrs. Regina Nache, while delivering her speech at the occasion said, the aim of the event was to promote peace and unity among the diverse populace of the area.

Regina hinted that war and persecution are ravaging the globe and that organizing such programme is apparent.

She further added that women and girls are never spared as they always remain major victims of such unwarranted phenomenon.

She called on the critical stake holders in the society to always include women in peace building effort as they remain strong partners in that regards.

When lending his voice, the traditional leader of the area, Alh. Bashir Ahmadu Abba, revealed that the community never witness such programme, thanking the organizers for their foresight.

He thanked all the tribes,resident in the area for the display of love and unity, saying such gesture will no doubt promotes peace among the citizenry.

At the event games such as thug of war, thread and needle and the sacks race where displayed.

Gift where given to all participating groups at the occasion.

About the author

Zakariyya Aliyu Gwaram

Official Website of NAS FM Yola 89.9.

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