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Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri received UN delegation on relocation of IDPs

By Zakariyya Aliyu Gwaram

Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri tasks humanitarian organisations in provide quality shelters to internally displaced persons in the state.

The governor also disclosed that the internally displaced camps in Adamawa state are housing mostly indegenes of neighbouring Yobe and Borno. The governor made the remark while receiving UN delegation in his office at the government house,Yola.

He also lamented on the dispositions of aid where more often Yobe and Borno are favoured despite Adamawa state harbouring numerous displaced persons.

Speaking on behalf of the entourage Mr. William S. Chemaly Senior Adviser,Office of the Special Adviser on Solution to IDPs said the visit is intended to strengthen relation with the state in humanitarian engagements and as well devised means to integrate internally displaced persons across Camps in Adamawa to their communities.

In his remark, leader of the United Nations delegation Mr. William S. Chemaly hopes the UN and the state government will work together to identify where and how basic amenities can be reestablished in some settlements.

According to the UN, about 1850 internally displaced persons were returned home, with about 200,000 still displaced.

“We want to work together to find out what IDPs needs to ensure smooth relocation ”

Governor Fintiri indicates that targeted communities must be consulted in order to provide the right assistance.

“No indegenes of Adamawa state are living in all the IDps across the state”

He stated that his administration had embarked on healthcare expansion by upgrading cottage clinics in the targeted regions and by extension across Adamawa state.

“More often humanitarian aids for IDPs focus more on Borno and Yobe while Adamawa have the numbers of IDPs”

Despite commending the effort of some humanitarian organisations in particular, UNHCR for remarkable projects in Labondo,Governor Fintiri also underscores instances where substandard projects are executed by humanitarian organisations.

He, therefore, invites organisational aids to focus on shelter and livelihood of these people.


About the author

Zakariyya Aliyu Gwaram

Official Website of NAS FM Yola 89.9.

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