Local News

Adamawa State Ministry of Justice Inaugurates New Governing Board for College of Legal Studies Yola

By Dominic Yohanna

The Adamawa State Ministry of Justice has inaugurated appointed members of the Governing Board of the College of Legal Studies Yola.

Attorney General and commissioner for Justice, Barrister Afraimu Jingi inaugurated the appointees at the ministry.

The State’s Attorney General and Commissioner of Justice, Barrister Afraimu Jingi represented by the solicitor General and permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Barrister Isuwa Misali charged the board members to work collectively devoid of any forms of sentiment.

He congratulated them, urging them not to take the appointment for granted but as a call to service.

Barrister Jingi also reminded the board members to address some pending challenges confronting the institution.

Barrister Afraimu Jingi therefore urged the members of the board to ensure stability and also change the negative narrative of the college for legal studies Yola.

Responding, the newly inaugurated Chairman, Amos Yusuf Wavah expressed commitment of the board towards changing narrative of the college.

While urging his team members to cooperate and work with unity of purpose, Wavah pledged that even if it entails them using their resources, they will not hesitate.

There were good will messages from the provost of college for legal studies Yola and the Deputy Permanent Secretary Ministry of Justice, Adamawa State.

Among those inaugurated are Amos Yusuf as Chairman, Barrister Adamu Danladi, member and Alhaji Amidu Hammandiko member as well as Musa Ahmadu Kanimari Member, others are Mr Babayo Alkali Yohanna and Abdulsalam Jugal respectively.


About the author

Zakariyya Aliyu Gwaram

Official Website of NAS FM Yola 89.9.

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